Welcome to the Alpha Omicron Pi |
Ottawa Alumnae Chapter |
City/State: Ottawa, On
Chapter President: M.J. Refausse Jacobsen
27 Burndale Rd
Gloucester, ON K1B 3Y4
With a variety of women from all over Canada and
the United States, the Ottawa Alumnae Chapter embodies sisterhood for a lifetime in the heart of Canada's National Capital.
We have several events throughout the year that
appeal to everyone - we welcome you to come out to our next event, and rediscover AOII !
For further information, please contact M.J. Refausse
Jacobsen, President at mjacobsen@LIVE.CA

In AOII, there are many ways to stay involved throughout your lifetime.
From joining a local alumnae chapter, to volunteer positions, to our alumna initiate program, we encourage and welcome your
participation. Alumnae activities include social events, support of local collegiate chapters, and service related endeavors.
Just a sample of some of the events held by the Ottawa AOII alumnae chapter are the Great Glebe Garage Sale , Ice Skating party on the Rideau Canal, the
annual spring luncheon at the Royal Ottawa Golf Club , and many philanthropic events benefitting local philanthropies
or the Arthritis Foundation.

Please complete your membership form on the last page of the newsletter,
and send it to Jane Wandell. Our goal is to have Alumnae Membership Recruitment completed before the end of October.
Members who join Life Loyal AOII will be exempt for their lifetime
from paying the alumnae operating portion (now$16 US or $20 CDN) of the international fees (now $25 US, or $30 CDN) that go
to Headquarters, and will receive ToDragma for life. We currently have 5 members who have joined Life Loyal AOII! - Alayne
Crawford, Kelly Manuel, Laura McFadden, Jane Wandell and MJ Jacobsen
You can find more details about the program at www.lifeloyal.org or by clicking on the Life Loyal icon on the AOIImwebsite at www.alphaomicronpi.org. This is very economical – especially for newer members.