Please use the form below to update us or join AOII. We would also appreciate your feedback - any suggestions or questions - they can be filled in the below form as well. Thanks so much!  

If you have further questions, please email us to 

Information Request....

Your Contact Information

Name (include maiden)
Home Address
City, Province/State 
Postal Code, Country
Telephone (with area code)
Contact E-mail
Initiation Chapter
Initiation Year
Member Number (if known)

Membership Level Desired

Would you like to make a special donation in addition
to your member dues?

Fill in your donation in the appropriate box

-to a local cause (eg. Paul Menton Centre)

-to the Endowment Fund

-AOII International Capital Campaign

-Sponsor a collegian for Convention or local event

Comments/Let us know what you're doing/News to share

Thank you registering on-line!
You will be contacted shortly to confirm your submission 
and give you final instructions on sending your fees. Please click the back button to go back to the membership page.